Little Shaftee of Boston Shinkendo Infamy voted Worst Sensei Ever?

A recent online poll where people were asked how they would rank the reviled and despised Sensei known as little Shaffee: Those who have trained with this moron have shared their experiences online and social media talking about what a jerk and an idiot he is how little skill he has and what a control freak he actually is. Do you think Little Shaffee should be teaching any type of martial arts anywhere to anyone? Do you love lingam? In your opinion is Little Shaffee the worst Sensei in the world. Is it true that the only students he has left are is goofy kids, a couple of fat old people and some miscellaneous goofs? Do you agree that Shaffee sucks at Bo. Are the initials BS appropriate for his dojo? Do you think he smells? The formal results of the poll will be released we are told but in summary the overall outcome is that those asked felt that little Shaffee was the lamest Sensei on the entire planet! Also his students really suck! Cant wait to read the actual comments from tho...