Infamous Dojo celebrates 13 year anniversary with a handful of Old Farts and a few kids


Boston Shinkendo

Wow, that Shafteee is a huge success as a sensei, here you have the big 13 year anniversary celebration at what many feel is the worst dojo in the world.

One look at this PATHETIC photo and you can see why, a handful of OLD FARTS who look like they can barely hold the plastic cup, and two others...

This is seriously embarassing!

Hey Yukishiro Obata, your senseis are running awesome dojos, they are truly bringing greatness to Kaiso's legacy!




  1. Where is Jimmy Yelpster02 June

    LMAO what a pathetic sensei, and joke of a dojo.

  2. Yee Luvs Thick Hard Lingam02 June

    Bring out the defribulator for the big pary! haha

  3. Why does Yukishiro Obata allow this stupidity?02 June

    Its mind boggling how low the the ISF has fallen since Kaiso retired

  4. Anonymous02 June

    What a dump that dojo looks like


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