Boston Shinkendo Sensei Makes Idiotic Claim About Obata

Obata Ninja Turtle Embarrassment

By now, anyone even remotely familiar with all the idiotic antics that occurred regularly at the Boston Shinkendo Shoshinkan dojo, knows that the Sensei there is a bit of a dumb ass.

He is known as Boot Licker Shafteee for his idol worship of the guy from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

One day after a boring class and the obligatory circle of students, the time Shafteee used to pontificate about his own self perceived importance, students were talking about the construction of Japanese Katana.

Well old Shit-For-Brains-Shafteee told the students that Obata was the one who invented the use of (2) two mekugi pins to hold the tsuka (handle) in place.

LMAO, despite the fact that you can find thousands of photos of ancient swords, going back hundreds of years with two Mekugi pins, this dumb ass claims Obata invented it...

It doesn't get much dumber than this guy!

Idiot Sensei - Boston Shinkendo - Obata - Ninja Turtles - Dumbass Shinkendo - Jinsei My Ass - Boston Martial Arts - McDojo -Crap Dojo -Shaftee Sucks


  1. James Yelpster09 June

    And I left a Koryu to study with this buffoon? I must be nuts!

    James aka Whiny Yelp Poster

  2. Stinky Anu09 June

    Dude you suck if you left a real school to come there!

  3. Bob the Slob09 June

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles?
    Thats the guy this moron worships??


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