Desperate Boston Shinkendo Tries to Clean up Online presence!

You will see an article with a link to the crappy Boston Shinkendo website, this article has no meaningful information, its sole purpose was to try to push down all the reviews about how much this dojo sucks lower in the search engine results. This desperate act is so lame, that the morons who posted this, didnt even use a real picture of the actual dingy hell hole dilapidated run down building with rats running around in the parking lot, instead they used some "pretty picture" of a real dojo. What a JOKE this school is, and it starts with a man who is arguably (according to former students) one of the WORST martial arts instructors in the history of mankind! The funniest thing about this is article is that it lists this crap dojo as the "ONLY AUTHORIZED SHINKENDO" dojo in Massachusetts, as if that is supposed to be some kind of added benefit. The Soke of that school and his leadership team are a bunch of clowns, and and behave like buffoons'. The whole situat...